Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cautious on the Road

This happened a week ago but i'm gonna blog about it.. it's probably a good WARNING to those who are like me, just started driving and just got the P license in their hands...

A week ago my aunt and uncle came down to Klang for the weekends... My aunt gotta go to KLIA to take a plane to Kota Kinabalu for a holiday trip.. my uncle sent her there while my cousins, bro, my mum and I went to church..

On the way to the church, my mum's phone rang..

Mum : Hello?? Ah yes, Tuck Sung (my unc)...
Others : *silence* o.o???
Mum : uh huh.. HA?! You met in an accident?!
Others : O.O!!!
Mum : You're alright? oh.. your fine..
Others : *sigh of relieve*
Mum : *puts down phone* Your dad met in an accident so i'm gonna drop you all in church and go get ur yee cheong (my dad) and go to him (my unc)
Others : *nods head*

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And so we went to church and Pastor's wife, aunt Jane prayed for my unc.. man... it was such a shocking news... it was only 8.30 in the morning for crying out loud!!

So when we got home, we got the story from the poor victim himself... this was what happened..

  • Uncle drving at 90 kmph in the SLOW lane (relax driving) since it was EARLY morning
  • he heard a LOUD bang and the nect thing he knew it, his car was spinning...
  • LUCKILY, his car hit a cement divider and came to a stop.. he look up to the other car.. it was flying and flipping!!
  • My uncle look out for the driver and fortunately, the guy who was a malay (not discriminating!!) crawled out from his car which was then, scrap metal..
My uncle had his head wounded and end up with 2 stitches... According to the reckless driver, he was sleepy... my uncle said he was actually driving at least 150kmph... what an excuse..

My uncle's car needs MAJOR repair while the other car is indeed.. SCRAP METAL.. i'm not being mean but i kinda find the part when Joyce says "it's scrap metal" funny...

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The scrap metal WAS a Myvy.. owh.. this is probably a tip for you if you're reading... Even though the car flipped a few rounds, the air bag of the car DID NOT pop out... i repeat.. DID NOT POP OUT!!

my uncle's view was 3 rounds but when my unc was spinning, that car was probably already flipping..Image Hosted by so imagine... so if it's possible, you should think twice about that car... i think it's only that car... btw, the malay guy was driving a 2 month old Myvy car...

i guess that's it... but before i go..

For those of you who drive,

You might never know what will happen..


Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm Back!!!

FIRST OFFF... I wanna really apologise for the LLOONNG delay of updating this blog.. i hope those who're reading previously are still with me... sniff...

Now, i'm back and hope my mood won't change to not blogging until my college days starts...

anyways, the post..

Well, for the past 10++ years, there was this hotel that was built in Klang town... Gold Course Hotel.. I have never step a foot, heck, not even 10 meters from it.. so.. *shrugs*..

My parents, and if you actually believe me, my bro went in before for a wedding dinner there once... it was held there... i was... somewhere... i cant really remember where I was and the reason for not attending that dinner... huh...

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Anyways, usually, this conversation will pop out once in a while when we're at Klang Town..

Me : Mum, all my life i've stayed in Klang.. it's SO not right i've never step foot in that hotel..
Mum : Your living in Klang.. Why do you wanna stay in a hotel when you have a house here??
Me : Huh... *shrugs*

and so this conversation was actually long forgotten since it's been a long time since i went into Klang Town.. there's the stupid massive jam keeping us from going in.. well, we can actually go there but the idea to be stuck in the jam for a few frigging minutes just gives me headache..

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My aunt from Ipoh got a conference in that hotel.. and because of her high ranking position, she got a suite with a queen size bed and a single bed... well, cant be called a suite.. more to like a room with more bed.. what more can you expect ehhh???

I actually joked about going with her to just stay in the hotel for a night since she's all alone in the big room... To my suprise, she agreed...

Joyce came along with me and yesterday we jolly went to the hotel and stayed a night... errrr... can't say it was fun cause all we did there was watch American Next Top Model on tv...

went breaky in the morning at a local store near the hotel and went back to watch StarDust (and Fishie, it was NICE!!) i laughed my head off most of the time.. dude.. the lines were sarcastic...

And... that's it...