Saturday, March 8, 2008


Ahem... there's been lots of pleadin from my cousins and friends that i update my blog... sorry people.. i'll try my best to update... i'm not exactly free and i'm banned from using the pc on the weekdays... *sigh* most of my time online are used up on the Japanese Club forum... and there's monthly test.. T.T o gosh... it was a disaster... probably worst than the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki... T.T my biology paper was a failure... accordin to my bio teacher... if we (students of 5P) pass, she'll arrange a trip to University Malaya to see dead bodies and the insides of a dead body.. how excitin but as i screwed the paper... bye bye dead bodies... T.T

anyway, yesterday went for add maths.. it was all goin well and the teacher was goin on forever about "students in the modern world vs students in the old days"... basically, i think he took 30 minutes out of 2 hours and 15 minutes of class talkin about that subject.. then, 30 minutes before the end of the class, the room went dark and only one light in front of the board was on... yes... a electricity put out... how lame.. but the class moves on... most of us took out our phones to get some lights... handphones can never be never useful... hahahaha!!!

tomorrow, my family and i will go on a plane and go for a trip in Penang... hmmm... i'm not really excited... i'm kinda feeling empty.. no feeling... no excitement... nada... despite the last experience... the last plane ride for me wasn't memorable... i feel like puking through out the whole ride.. gonna bring some pills to subside if it happens again... accordin to my mum, it was due to my weak stomach... i remember it was my head that hurts... T.T

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