Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Basically.. its yasumi.. its holiday in Japanese.. holidat is de time to go for trips.. overseas or local.. BOOO!! WRONG!! its about sitting home with the tv, ps and pc to look at thanks to parents who has no holiday like us who're still in school.. i'm still wondering why they have so much time during holidays when we were kids.. hmmm.... or is it that its us growing up.. i'm sure this is true to many teens.. they will spend their holidays in front of the pc using the Internet and blogging (like what i'm doing now) or playing games on de ps or just turned into potato coutches..

That's one part of the"holiday" plan.. other than that, even before the holiday starts, teachers will give this piece of good advice to all form 4s.. "During your holidays, make sure you study and buck up because next year in form 5, you won't be so free to study anymore".. talk about terrorising our imagination before form 5 starts.. i'm guessing there won't be much time to watch anime.. oh no!! T.T

Bookaholics will probably spend their time reading than doing all sorts of nonsense online or tab fingers on the PS controller non-stop.. before next year starts, don't think there will be much time to read a story book.. unlike a friend of mine who owns a mini library.. (don't know if it's consider mini.. she seems to have new books everytime i see her) i can only afford a book every once in a blue moon.. erm.. most of de time my mum pays for them but now she's no more sponsoring.. i had to pay with the allowance she gives me.. T.T got a book yesterday after a month without a book to read.. well, at least i have something to do now.. hahaha..


Justine said...

Is this post meant for anyone particular? Referring to any bookaholics, in particular?

Foon Yoong said...

de bookaholic u can guess but de post is to show how bored i am with holiday life.. no where to go.. hahaha..