Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Extravaganza Avanza

Finally, my mum has decided to buy a new car.. hahaha.. An Avanza, a product from the Toyota company.. well, its a big car that can fit 7 people and its suitable for traveling.. my mum say that she need a car like this to be able to fetch my grams, uncle and all four of us in the family and go up to Ipoh more often.. we went to the showcase room yesterday and my mum got a test drive on the Avanza.. me and my brother were kind of worried sitting at the back seat because my mum has never drove a car that big till ysterday..
My mum drove us for one round and arrived back at the showcase unharmed.. then when my mum asked about the car for more details, my brother and i were so playful that we jump into some cars to look at de interiors.. we even climb to the back of some truck which name i couldn't remember.. it was fun.. but we had to leave the new found playground and go home.. T.T
The senior car.. A 1991 Honda Civic is coming to its age.. yess.. you guessed it right.. it's as old as me.. but it's still running.. my mum is ready to hand it down to me.. ngeh ngeh.. i'll be able to drive by next year..

After all that, we came home HUNGRY because its was already 8 pm and we haven't ate dinner yet.. and my mum again refuse to have dinner outside again.. so an hour was spent cooking and we had dinner at 9 pm.. how miserable.. T.T

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